About me

Passionate DevOps professional with extensive experience implementing CICD solutions and managing Kubernetes systems. With a deep expertise in continuous deployment, automated testing integration, and software development process optimization, I've contributed to enhancing efficiency and stability of IT infrastructures.

My journey includes mastery of tools like Jenkins, GitLab, Docker, and Ansible, alongside a profound understanding of agile principles. Driven by technological innovation, I'm always seeking new opportunities to tackle exciting challenges in automation and cloud deployment. #DevOps #CICD #Kubernetes #Automation

What i'm doing

  • design icon


    Modernize your software delivery process with continuous integration and delivery.

  • Web development icon

    Infrastructure Management

    Robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure management for cloud environments.

  • mobile app icon


    Providing training to your team to help them get up to speed with the latest technologies and DevOps concepts.

  • camera icon

    Cost Management

    Building efficient infrastructure with strong cost optimization in mind.




  1. Platform Engineer (DevOps Engineer) - Danske Bank

    2022 — Present

    Cloud Infrastructure Management:
    - Proficient in managing cloud infrastructure.
    - Extensive experience in designing, configuring, and optimizing cloud environments for scalability and performance.
    Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
    - Implement IaC principles to automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and maintenance.
    - Utilize tools like Terraform and Ansible to ensure consistency and reliability.
    CI/CD Pipeline Management:
    - Expertise in building and maintaining CI/CD pipelines for automated build, test, and deployment.
    - Configure CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and Azure DevOps to streamline the development lifecycle.
    Vulnerability Management:
    - Proactively identify and rectify security vulnerabilities within the infrastructure and applications.
    - Implement robust security practices and perform regular security audits.
    - Proficient in containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
    - Orchestrating and managing containerized applications for scalability and flexibility.
    Dev Team Collaboration:
    - Collaborate with development teams to facilitate smooth application deployments.
    - Provide guidance and support to ensure successful production releases.
    Production Deployment:
    - Lead the deployment process, ensuring reliability, availability, and performance.
    - Handle troubleshooting and incident response to maintain system uptime.
    Infrastructure Security:
    - Implement security best practices to protect infrastructure against threats and attacks.
    - Regularly assess and enhance security measures to safeguard critical assets.
    Scalability and Availability:
    - Work on optimizing applications and infrastructure for scalability and high availability.
    - Ensure seamless operation under varying workloads and traffic conditions.

  2. DevOps Engineer - UBAQ

    2023 — Present

    - CI/CD Migration from Jenkins to Gitlab CI
    - CI/CD configuration and setup for maximum code and application control.
    - System Architecture.

  3. DevOps Engineer - Getinov

    2021 — 2022

    - Setting up and updating the CI/CD Pipeline
    - Management of Kubernetes Clusters (Administration and deployment of applications inside)
    - Management of infrastructures with on AWS, Google Cloud and OVH
    - Infrastructure as Code, Terraform
    - Monitoring (Sentry, Prometheus, ELK)
    - Transition of infrastructures to the cloud
    - Cost and resource management

  4. Web Developer - BETI

    2020 — 2021

  5. Co-Founder - Discord France

    2018 — Present

    - DevOps & System Administration for continuous deployment
    - Setup and Usage of selfhosted S3 Object Storages
    - Developpement of internal tools for facilitate article deployment for writters
    - Writting of articles about the news aroud DiscordApp
    - Online Support for users



    2019 — 2024

    EPITECH is a leading French private institution specializing in computer science and information technology education. It offers a unique pedagogical approach focused on project-based learning, where students gain hands-on experience and develop practical skills through real-world projects and internships. Epitech is renowned for its innovative teaching methods and producing highly skilled professionals in the field of technology

  2. Vytautas Magnus University

    2022 — 2023

    Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) stands as a beacon of excellence in the field of informatics and IT education. Renowned for its rigorous curriculum and innovative research initiatives, VMU empowers students with cutting-edge skills and global perspectives, preparing them to thrive in dynamic tech environments.

My skills

  • CI/CD
  • System Administration
  • Cloud
  • Kubernetes


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